24 Feb 2011 – Public hearing at the French Parliament about the tragic drama of the benfluorex/Mediator scandal.
Senior consultant (tenured) sacked from Amiens University Hospital by the Dept. of Health which overturned the advice of the National Statutory Committee.
The Gagging of the Independent Experts
in Public Health
Tenured senior consultant in public health and head of the regional body for the assessment of professional practice, I was sacked in September 2010 for whistleblowing by the French Dept of Health against the vote of more than 70% of the members of the National Statutory Committee. On May 10, 2012, the Paris Administrative Court cancelled the decision of the Ministry of Health as the sacking had been illegal. Meanwhile my boss, Pr Gérard Dubois, a professor of public health at Amiens University Hospital, was sued for libel by the French tobacconists’ union because he stated on TV that cigarettes kill two smokers a year for every tobacconist. The French tobacconists’ lost the case but even went before the Court of Appeal which rejected their claim for damages in November 2011.
The tobacco industry’s influence on Sarkozy’s government and French administration has been deadly: tobacco sales levelling off between 2004 and 2011 and prevalence of daily smoking rising from 27.1 % in 2005 to 29.1 in 2010. Such trends are an exception among developed countries, where sales and use of tobacco are falling steadily.
- Lenzer's Industry-Independent Expert
- 2017 John Maddox Prize for Standing up for Science, commendations
- Tobacco scientist wins case against illegal sacking Addiction, 2012 107:1714-5
- Gagging overturned by Court Healthwatch, July 2012
- The Braillon affair Liver International, Mar 2012
- The power of one and saving private Braillon Liver International, Jan 2012
- French Health care professionnals under attack for whistleblowing Addiction 2011 February
- The gagging of public health experts in France Tobacco Control, Nov 2010
- Whistleblowing and abuse of libel law in France Healthwatch, Oct 2010
- Doctor's sacking is setback for French public health British Medical Journal, Feb 2010
- Silence is not always golden Medical Independent (Ireland), Feb 2011
- Public health advocate in court... and more Crickey (Australia), June 11
- Une décision jugée illégale par le tribunal Hospimedia, Juin 2012
- Conflits d'intérêts: Allons chercher les bons experts médicaux L'Express, Nov 11
- Sale temps pour les experts indépendants L'Indépendant, Nov 11
- Alain Braillon le médecin bâillonné Viva, Juin 11
- La Santé publique au Pilori Action consommation, 17 Janv 11
- Et au milieu coule la Santé publique Le Canard Enchaîné, 8 Déc 10
- Plutôt guérir que prévenir Fakir, 22 Fév 11
- Pourquoi faut-il sauver le soldat Braillon Pr Fabry – Risques et Qualité, Janv 10
- Les empêcheurs de tuer en rond, espèce menacée Roger Lenglet – Charlie Hebdo, 7 Avr 10
- Public à ta santé Dominique Dupagne – Atoute, 15 Fév 10
- Un médecin évincé car «peu rentable» il rapporte 2 fois son salaire à l'hôpital Courrier Picard, 22 Déc 10
- Quel avenir pour la santé publique ? La Revue Prescrire, Juin 10
- Haro sur la Santé publique Marie Kayser – Pratiques, Juil 10
- Quelle santé publique dans les CHU ? Pr Dubois – Panorama du Médecin, 8 Fév 10
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=oVuzD3oAAAAJ
Updated list of publications: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=braillon+A
- Cancer screening
- Alcohol & Tobacco
- Medicines & Regulatories Authorities
- Coi & Whistleblowing
- Public Health
- Prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma: using a complex risk model or assisting for smoking cessation? Cancer 2015;121:1149-50
- Surrogate end points for overall survival. Festina lente Ann Oncol 2015;26:818
- Screening for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Where Is the Inconsistency? Am J Med 2015;128:e25
- Current Practices for Lung Cancer Screening: Too Slow or Too Fast? JAMA Intern Med 2015;175:317
- Colorectal cancer screening, ethics and evidence-based public policy J Med Screen 2011;18:103
- Surrogate end points and colorectal cancer screening? Gastroenterology. 2012 ;142:e29.
- "Dépistage du cancer du sein". Des conclusions... aux actes ! Presse Médicale 2014
- Time to halt an out of control trial with ineffective oversight British Medical Journal 2014;349:g5601
- Bronchioalveolar Lung Cancer: Screening and Overdiagnosis Journal of Clinical Oncololgy 2014;32:3575
- PSA testing in France JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173:2014
- Hepatocellular carcinoma screening among hepatitis B-infected Asian Americans J Viral Hepat 2013;20:514
- American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases: cul-de-sac and CoI World J Gastroenterol 2013;19: 3369-70
- Heaptocellular carcinoma Lancet 2012;380:469
- PLCO Mortality results after 13 years of follow-up JNCI. April 2012
- Dépistage du cancer de la prostate, un autre scandale sanitaire ? Medecine 20012;3:100-1
- Estimating the effect of breast cancer screening Stat Methods Med Res 2012;21:217-8
- PSA, encore combien de dégâts? Presse Médicale 2012 avril sous presse
- Cancer Screening And Informed Consent. A New French Exception? Preventive Medicine. 2011 Jul 22. In presss
- Screening for prostate cancer: a public campaign, EBM & conflicting interests Eur J Public Health. 2009;19:222
- Prostate specific antigen. Prostate screening in France British Medical Journal. 2009;339:b428
- PSA (prostate specific antigen): Haute Autorité de santé, American Cancer Society and National Health Service. Discrepancy between concepts for assessment Presse Med. 2011;40:112-1
- French health policy and screening for colorectal cancer Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2010;34:142-3
- Neither Abusiveness with Patients nor Naivety with Drugs Am J Med 2015;128:e29
- Smoking rates among pregnant women: The BMJ must not misinform BMJ 2015;351:h3758
- Forest Plots and Prediction of Postoperative Delirium: Missing the Forest for the Trees? J Am Geriatr Soc 201;63:1282
- Alcohol-related deaths: is misinformation hindering care improvement? Lancet 2015;385:1619-20
- Prise en charge médicamenteuse des agitations aux urgences : ne pas oublier les substituts nicotiniques Presse Médicale 2015,44 :578-9
- Nalmefene and alcohol dependence: a new approach or the same old unacceptable marketing? Subst Abuse Rehabil 2015 29;6:75-80
- Trials on physical activity for smoking cessation in pregnancy missed a trick or two BMJ 2015;350:h3554
- Re: Prenatal vitamin C and E supplementation in smokers is associated with reduced placental abruption and preterm birth: a secondary analysis BJOG 2015;122:884-5
- Addiction et diminution de la consommation : de l’épidémiologie à l’Evidence Based Medicine L’Encéphale 2015:41,194-6
- Brief counseling for tobacco cessation in dental clinics: A toothless intervention? Prev Med 2015;76:123
- La cigarette électronique : l'arbre qui cache la forêt ! Presse Med 2015;44:124-5
- Le vin : bon pour la santé... des producteurs Presse Med 2015;44:127-8
- Curbing the tobacco epidemic: Employing behavioral strategies or rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic? Prev Med 2015 5;73:28-29
- Reducing nicotine content of cigarettes Prev Med. 2014 ;69:306
- Baclofen and Protecting the Patients During Research Alcohol and Alcoholism 2012;47,631
- Reversing the taxes approach for a win-win tobacco control policy Addiction 2011 ;106:2047
- The framework convention on tobacco control’s original sin Public Health 2012;126:904
- The cobbler's children go barefoot: Pediatric nurses counseling about risks of secondhand smoke Preventive Medicine 2014;63:116
- Electronic Cigarettes From History to Evidence-Based Medicine American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2014;47:e13
- Addicted health care professionals: missing the wood for the trees? Am J Bioeth 2014;14:41-2
- Nalmefene in alcohol misuse: junk evaluation by EMA BMJ 2014;348:g2017
- Care for patients with grave alcohol use disorders Lancet 2013 ;382:1876-7
- Can pregnant women in Blackpool wait for further research? Lancet 2013;381-995-6
- Why are smokers so unhappy? Public Health 2013 in press
- Smoking Cessation: A Paradise for an Alternative to EBM? Am J Med. 2013;126:e13
- Tobacco control in France: from war to compromise and collaboration TCPHEE 2012;2:59-66
- Cigarette prices in France: How reacts the tobacco lobby? Health Policy 2012, May
- Politiques publiques de lutte contre le tabac Presse Médicale. en ligne 3 mai 2012
- Influence of the tobacco lobby on the French government
- Tobacco control: up in smoke in Europe? Addiction 2012
- Industrial Epidemics Presse Médicale Dec 11
- TOX-bacco: call a spade a spade! Drug and Alcohol Today 2011;11:90-3
- An indicator of the influence of the tobacco lobby on politicians American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2011;41:e29
- Framework convention on Tobacco Control. In search of outcomes. The R2P. Health Policy 2011;103:98-9.
- Is Your MP Concerned About Public Health? British Medical Journal 2011; 343:d4883
- Alcohol control policy: evidence-based medicine versus evidence-based marketing Addiction. 2011 ; 106(4):852-3
- Web-based intervention and alcohol: who is upside down? Alcohol Alcohol. 2010;45:103
- Public health, politicians' decisions, and the citizen Health Policy. 2009;93:225
- Tobacco and pregnancy: France always bad pupil J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod. 2010;39:1-2
- Tobacco harm to the developing child European Journal of Pediatrics 2010;169:1565-7
- 9 Clinically meaningful nocebo effect in acupuncture? J Clin Epidemiol 2014;67:1375
- Experience is a gloomy lantern that does not even illuminate its bearer Arch Intern Med 2012;172:294
- Nalmefene in alcohol misuse: junk evaluation by EMA BMJ 2014;348:g2017
- Generic Competition in a Flawed System: Pill Them, Bill Them Arch Intern Med. 2012;172:1522-3
- Credibility of industry-sponsored clinical research Mayo Clinic Proceedings 2012;87:925
- Marketing versus evidence-based medicine Lancet 2012;380:340
- DTCA Archives of Internal Medicine 2012;172:294
- Drug industry is now biggest defrauder of US government British Medical Journal 2012;344:d8219
- Prescriptions hors AMM. Qui est hors la loi et même hors la science médicale ? Atoute 6 Janv 2012
- US anti-fraud laws and the pharmaceutical industries MJA 2011; 195: 585
- Clothing naked quackery and legitimising pseudoscience British Medical Journal 2011;343:d5960
- EMA urgently needs a cure British Medical Journal 2011; 342:d3832
- The Mediator scandal. Is there a smoke screen? Lancet 2011;377:2003-4
- Medical Devices Approval Process a New French Exception? Presse Médicale. 2011;40:446-8
- Medical devices & the approval processes: United States vs France Archives of Internal Medicine. 2010;170:2040-1
- Homoeopathic remedies and drug-regulatory authorities Lancet. 2010 23;375:279-80
- Sluder banned from France Acta Otolaryngol. 2008;128:82
- Fac sans cadeau La revue Prescrire 2015;35 :470
- Which whistleblower is more vulnerable: the Indian doctor or nurse? BMJ 2015;350:h1687 doi:
- Interrupting the dark dance of bribery BMJ 2014 12;349:g6573
- World Oncology Forum and commercial sponsorship Lancet 2013;381: 1624
- Money vs medicine World Future Review 2011;3 :73-80
- Conflicts of Interest in Medicine Journal of Public Heatlh Policy. 2011;32:391-8
- Le Silence est d'or Pratiques. 2011;53:74-5
- Sciensationalism Am J Med. 2011;124:e13
- Challenging Special Interest Groups: Whistleblowers May Help. Help Them! Psychother Psychosom 2011;80:116–117
- Whistleblowing: Neither reward, nor protection J Public Health Policy 2010;31:278–9
- Stimulating the interest for conflicting scientific debates Am J Med Blog. 2011 Feb 25
- Should the Price for Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs be Increased? Am J Cardiol 2015;115:1322-3
- Healthy diet and lifestyle and risk of stroke in a prospective cohort of women Neurology 2015;84(:2293
- NHS health checks are a waste of resources BMJ 2015;350:h1006
- Quality of care: a long way to Tipperary or a long way down Am J Med 2015;128:e13
- Global health challenges facing bureaucracy: democratization or revolution? Public Health 2014;128:1134-5
- Ebola and the UN’s responsibility to protect Lancet 2014;384 :2208
- Dietary modification to prevent hepatocellular carcinoma is not low-hanging fruit Gastroenterology. 2014 ;147:954-6.
- Bridging the gap between research and practice American Journal of Medicine 2011;124:e15.
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- The index of 'well-being': a clue for public health? Public Health. 2014;128:678
- Almost getting with the guidelines: fame or shame? Am J Med 2013 126:e19
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- Taxing "Sin Drinks" Preventive Medicine 2012;54:283
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- Placebo Is Far From Benign: It Is Disease-Mongering American Journal of Bioethics. 2009;9:36-8
- Give the Sahara desert to a health care administrator and a few weeks later he will have to import sand American Journal of Medical Quality. 2008;23:404
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- A new French paradox: HBV vaccination J Hepatol. 2009;51:597-8
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